Race Commentary Archive: Transat 2004


Welcome by Joe Harris
February 25, 2004

As this is the first message on this brand new web site, I would first like to thank anyone who has found a reason to come to this wonderful new site and hope that you will be a regular visitor. I am very excited about the Gryphon Solo program and plan on offering frequent news updates as I prepare the boat and myself for the upcoming Transat Race. There is a lot going on! We put the boat back in the water two weeks ago and went sailing last week-end in Charleston SC, where the previous owner of the boat, Brad Van Liew lives. Brad is helping me get the boat fully "wicked up" as he likes to say and also giving me some coaching on how to handle this powerful and complicated machine.

Some notes on current projects: We are working on the satellite communication system which is an Iridium phone interfaced to a new Dell lap-top to provide voice and data contact with the outside world while offshore. I need to complete a 750 mile solo qualifying sail monitored by the Transat race committee by the end of April, and will do that by bringing the boat solo from Charleston to Portsmouth RI. New sails have been ordered and will arrive in April, prior to the delivery from Boston to Plymouth in early May. A lot of sponsorship activity is in the works but not yet ready for announcement- but good news is on the way on that front. All in all, the program is progressing very well and the boat should be in great shape for its upcoming criss-crossing of the Atlantic.

For me, physically, I have been focusing on re-habbing my right shoulder, which had arthroscopic surgery in September to repair a torn rotator cuff. The injury has taken much longer to heal than I hoped, but it is finally coming around, to my great relief. I am also working on improving my overall strength and conditioning level as it is very physically demanding to run an Open 50 by yourself.

My wife Kim and I had our second son in September (Emmett is his name- his 6 year old big brother is Griffin) as well so the last five months have been extremely hectic with work, child care and Gryphon Solo activities. Emmet is not yet sleeping through the night so I have been improving my sleep deprivation/power napping techniques which is a necessary tactic offshore, although Kim has borne the brunt of Emmett's night feedings. So life has been a bit of a three ring circus over the last five months and I expect it will continue that way until after the finish of the Transat in June.

But hey, no complaints from this cowboy- I am pursuing my life long dream of sailing around the world and that feels really great. I highly recommend it. So that's all for now- please write in with any questions or comments to Joe@gryphonsolo.com and otherwise enjoy this web site created by Brian Hancock.

PS- Congratulations to Brian and his wife Sigrun on the birth of their son Eli (pronounced Ellie) on Saturday, February 21st.

- Joe Harris (joe@gryphonsolo.com)

GryphonSolo2 Campaign / Joe Harris Ocean Racing
471 Bridge Street, Hamilton, MA 01982
© 2024 GryphonSolo2 Campaign